Thursday, August 11, 2016

我, 走啦。。。

多几个礼拜, 我就必须从新出发, 过着一些我从未了解的生活, 孤身只影, 离乡背井, 放手一搏, 破斧沉舟。。。听起来很惨是不? 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。可是我完全不以为然, 我可能从小都没离开加里, 自己生活, 可是相信我, 我绝对有能力适应这一切, 有能力自己生活, 所以我不畏惧。。。

很多很多人问我, 新加坡真的好咩? 真的要过去? 就这样放弃你几年来经营的人脉? 你觉得你的选择对吗?

其实我不懂我做得对不对, 好不好, 后不后恢。。。为什么要在一切还没经历, 发生时就做定论呢? 一切都是未知数, 我只是知道, 我有我的最终目标, 我正往它前进, 我眼前有这一个机会, 而机会是留给准备好的人, 而我。。。已经捉住了这个机会。。。我反而想让你给我一个理由, 为什么我不去?

我的人生因为我这一个选择会有很大的改变, 我是兴奋的, 期待的。。。当然我会有不舍, 如果 we are meant to be, 那请相信, 我做的一切是为了让家里人过更好, 而我想让你变成我家里人。。。

Thursday, June 23, 2016

I aint good enough?

She said: Look, those girls behind are keep looking at you.

I said: But, I'm only looking at you.

Saturday, May 28, 2016


我, 很木纳, 很孤僻, 很被动, 很慢热。。。
一切一切的不懂, 都会让我觉得。。。不能, 不适合, 没感觉。。。就不了了之, 没下文。。。
可是。。。我却忘了, 我跟你, 很久很久很久了。。。
对方的东西。。。都已经渗透到了骨子里, 不用语言, 一个眼神, 都能传达。。。
这。。。需要时间, 很长的时间, 我依旧没办法习惯, 从头, 来过。。。

Tuesday, March 08, 2016


I am highly attracted to person, that admire and appreciate the personalities of mine, I really do... I likes how they spend time looking into those rather than waiting for me to solely go after them as if they r freaking princess or something. Well I admit im into appearance, but once I find your attitude and behavior to be unacceptable, u will no longer be attractive to me like instantly...

Dun fucking make me hate u, u aint tat special u know? U r only special when I wan to mke u feel special, else u r ntg but ordinary person to me. YES, I CAN BE FUCKING EGO LIKE THIS... BITCH

Sunday, February 14, 2016


I only could remember this gal when it comes to valentine. We knew each other during high school, I fell for her uniqueness, she put me way behind the consideration list, I persevere, she said yes to a valentine's date, Im way too busy for my siblings due to parents are overseas, she doesn't care that Im too busy, she called the restaurant, she booked a table for 2, a fine dining, I bought her roses, she said i will pay for the meals n she will pay for the wine, we had great times... We really did, we r tat 1 step away from being the real valentine... But... Something stopped me, it wasn't the right person I perhaps, so god doesn't want us to start the relationship. Still, that is the most unforgettable valentine for me, when each individual are making times for each other and doing things to mke it happened.

Seeking all over the bushes and I realised... Actually all I wanted, is just a person who know how to appreciate me, a down to earth one... And I missed many, to seek for excitement, darn stupid Eric, Darn stupid...

Monday, January 11, 2016

爱, 是什么感觉? 以前的我, 一定不懂, 总是觉得, 脸红心跳, 小鹿乱撞, 手心流汗, 就是爱。。。直到你的出现, 才知道, 以前那些, 叫做好感。。。对我而言。。。爱, 它很难找, 它很难才会出现, 因为它需要时间的经营, 考量, 再慢慢的细味品尝, 才能感受到的感觉。。。所以现在问我, 找到了吗? 我会说。。。没有, 我想把时间放在工作上, 其实我真正想说的是。。。没有, 我再没遇到那个能让我觉得平稳, 安全, 舒服的人, 我。。。不懂怎样再爱, 因为爱, 很难。。。

"不是没女朋友,是太多";说了三几千遍, 还依然在说的一句话, 可能长辈也老了, 上个月, 婆婆终于问我, 为什么还不带女朋友回去, 我笑笑的说, 下次。。。下次就带。。。这下可好啦, 话一说出才想到, 下次。。。我能带谁? 哈哈哈哈哈。。。有时人就是这样奇怪, 人们觉得不可能单身的人, 偏偏就单身了; 嘴里说不上有什么不好的人, 就是不想在一起。。。所以不要说我很好, 我那么好, 那为什么你不要??