Sunday, December 30, 2012



无意中从朋友的部落格看到的一句话,这从 N 年前就已明白的道理,为何现在看到却那么的有些许不一样的领悟?







而我可能,还在出处,等待着。。。 =)


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Block The Mind

把电话 data 关了,反正也用不着,也免了一直看你的状态,也就不会再乱想,今晚你不会看到我,放心吧。。。

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

You Are the Apple of My Eye

一直放不到从那个片段开始的时间,你自己拉到 1:28:00 看吧。。。


With what I have, I might win a thousand hearts, but a thousand hearts, couldnt replace a single heart of Your's

Thursday, December 13, 2012




可能很多人会说,你啥呀?有人养不好?说真的,不用做很好,但是我从小习惯了努力争取我想要的东西,以前要玩具,就得考好成绩,要电话, SPM 就得多少个A, 想买名牌,自己挣钱。。。这样我才觉得有成就感,我有用。。。



Monday, December 10, 2012





Monday, December 03, 2012

Tonight.This Night





Tuesday, November 27, 2012


若要无痛,就得无情。。。 我回来了,久别的地狱。。。 或许不久后,我会遇到一个人,但是我不会再对她那么好, 因为我。。。不喜欢。。。这种痛。。。这一种叫付出的痛。。。

Saturday, November 17, 2012


很多人问我,我现在的感觉是什么? 我说。。。考试要来了,我不想想,让我逃避一下下,考完试再抒发,别揭我的伤口,因为。。。真的很痛,痛得原本不容易哭的我竟然一想起就忍不住泪水。。。
说真的,我真的很痛心,很失望;很佩服以前的我可以那么的有耐心,恒心慢慢地教你,但是现在,我真的觉得我白费力气了,一切都白教了,你怎么那么笨? 我教你的东西你全忘了吗?为什么发生酱大的事情你还能这样。。。

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


这一晚,我睡不着,心里担心得不得了,也痛得不得了,你哭了,醉了,也都不让我知道,也不告诉我怎么了。。。你懂不懂这会让我很痛很痛,我还重要吗?发生事,头脑里第一个想到的还会是我吗?心里想着,明天一早去等她起床好吗?她想见我吗? 很多,很多的为什么。。。我,失眠了。。。

Friday, November 02, 2012



Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Couldn't believe Im into tat hole again, those feelings, came bak all at once, so strong, till tat stage tat i've been insomnia... I tot I already gav up, but... Feelings r juz tat deep, I really hope tat time could go bak, for me n for u, so all these wouldn't happen, at all... So... U will be my birthday wish... ;)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Still Reading?

Ever wonder why I nvr force u to leave but juz requesting u? First, it's because I really do respect all ur decision and choices, I dun wan u to be as suffer as I do, 2nd, it's because I really Do Love You vry much, I dunno whether u feel the same as I do but Im really serious in tis n deeply within my heart, I wanted to spent my life wit you, I dun wan to lose u again, if cant I will hope we will juz be together forever, and Im abit selfish, I'm really sked tat u will regret leavin him cuz u realised u actually love him more, I wan to be the only one in ur heart... Im afraid of losing u.... =( So now, to ensure u nvr regret anything, I will juz wait, to see if I able to wait, for tat day when u realised u noe the reason to leave and able to leave...

Tuesday, August 07, 2012


你厌倦了?还是。。。我想多了? =( 很累,很烦,为什么东西总是做不完? 我想海了,又想烟了。。。压力参了

Friday, June 01, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012


妈妈今天用了煤气煲汤,因为妈妈有工作的关系,所以很久没用煤气炉煲汤了,都是用电子锅,所以今天的汤,格外地有味道格外地甜。。。 喝着这久违的味道,电视竟然也播出许多老歌,童年回忆就一幕一幕地呈现在脑海里,时间过得真的很快,快得让人害怕,把头一回,许许多多曾经执箸的事情,仿佛变得不在重要。。。 很快地,死期将要来临,所以这段时间特别地容易感到伤感。。。=(

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I alwayz tell ppl how glory was my upper secondary, I alwayz wished to be tat glory again, but seems hard... Many targets, little times, unlimited obstacles tat dragging me... But I shall win myself, step by step...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I will persevere

Heard 2 phrase that mke me touched yesterday, was doing assignment wit frenz, n we r discussing wat to tke in our final year coz we hav to choose 2 elective out of several, den tis gal suddenly touch my bak n say to me "Eh, we r all together, we shall do it together, strive for it ok?", at tat moment I promised her n myself, no matter wat I will try my best to do for tis hell sem, 21 credits hour wit Law N EIS... I can nvr lose. Not long after, doing another assignment in comp lab, another guy heard tat I was doing law n eis wit 21 credits hour, he told me "This is the path u choose, u hav to complete it even if u hav to kneel down to walk", a phrase which so much power... I will try my very best, to mke our dream come true, we will graduate together... =D

I alwayz hav tis tot in my mind, I can understand u, but do u think tis is fair to me?

Friday, March 23, 2012

War Field

Life is like a war field, the weaker one get eliminated, hence We'll need to improve ourselves bits by bits so that we will be the survivor.

Had a great dinner wit buddies again tdy, it's been a while since we all had dinner 2gether coz we r all frm different courses, n tis is the papers we had in common after years. Chat alot, n I noe some may tot I'm being serious when I start comparing, to be frank I'm juz joking, I nvr tot of competing wit them, coz I noe I stand no chance of winning, watz actually causing me moving forward is juz some tiny mini minute jealousy tat come once in a blue moon, Hahahaha... I alwayz say to myself, u need to win no one but urself, yea true, I've been trying best to win myself, but when I see ppl tat starts later get better results, of coz I will feel upset, so tatz basically wat mkes the topic at dinner tonite.

I alwayz hav something blocking me in front when I try to mke things better, huge obstacles tat causes me need to stop wat I've been working hard for, I nvr wan to giv up if I wouldnt need to, but things juz got way serious den I tot n task muz be stop, u will nvr understand the pain to see the fruits u get of previous hard work start dying, due to some accidents... How sad... I dare say those targets tat I set for myself since last years is those tat I've been paying efforts into, those efforts tat u will nvr see on me last time, I will nvr giv up on tis no matter wat. Juz hopes tat when god closed the door, HE really opens another window for me, I'm getting tired of losing u noe... Juz dun tke away my hopes.

And tis is the war I fight for, I dun wan to lose, I cant lose, I might lose everything if I lose this war... I will hit the targets b4 I graduate, I promise myself... God Bless...

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Listening to the song over n over again...

It's not the 1st time I thinking should I change the link of the blog... So that wat written will not affect ur mood.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012



I dun noe how many cycles has it been, u fall for me, I being cool, U gav up, I fell, giving chance, u being cool, hard to choose, I fed up, U came bak, U fall for me n there is where the cycles go on... Well tis is ur choice tis time, being frenz, so yea, I'll juz fulfil it...

Sunday, March 04, 2012


Do u noe wat I'm thinking now? No? Yea, u do not noe... I dunno wat to say bout tis, pretty upset. U urself should realise, should noe wat exactly happening, u noe the truth very well, dun lie to me, dun lie to urself... Juz u might not realise, I've been giving CHANCES all the while, appreciate? Hahahahaha... No. I'm really a typical scorpio n a mind player u see, I will eventually unintentionally using some ways to test u, without u even noticing it, n results tat I alwayz get is so heart broken... Dun ask me why now or ask me y alwayz like tis, I Dun Feel Like Telling... U should noe y tis happen...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pain... Again...

The pain was not so severe for pass few weeks, unfortunately it came bak to me few dayz ago, after the pengajian class early in da morning, dunno watz the cause but juz ouch... Cant even sit properly during the nite K session, the pain was getting lesser tis morning after I wke up, but it came bak again now... T_T YYYYYYY?????? Been rest for few dayz not working out, hope it's helping... Fren of mine asked me to stop, but I cant, I can oni rest, I do not wat it to be like months ago, seeing the muscle getting smaller... 当你懂什么对你很重要时,你会继续的...


Monday, February 06, 2012

Not Againnnnn

Tot tat I can act like it's ntg, but actually I cant... I feel like crying again now at tis night, headache n heartache... Wat mke it more pain is my wonder, how could u love 2 person at once? As for likes, yes I can likes or hav attention towards several person, but as for love, I'm alwayz loyal to one, how u feel when u saying I Love You to 2 diff person? I really wish to noe it... I'm confused again, I think I'd juz overestimating myself again... Hah... Ridiculus... I'm actually still a nobody... It actually remind me of the pain again, the pain I experienced months ago... Ouch... N the headache I having now mking the situation even worst... I wan to slp... =(

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


很快的, 来到了新的一年,今年的农历新年过得真得很特别,我仿佛回到了小时候,我已经很久很久很久没参与外婆家的拜年马拉松了,以前总是一大群小孩跟着大人到处跑拿红包,很累却很开心。 因为家里的某某因素,我想已经有十年没和他们一起去拜年了吧,所以啊这次新年过得真得很开心。。。

每一年的新年,我都会立下目标和许愿,今年当然也不例外, 我今年只有一个目标,就是希望自己能凡事看开点,把所有问题往身上扛,是我从小的习惯,因为妈妈常告诉我,我是最大的男孩,保护弟姐妹们是我的责任,所以我曾告诉自己,只要我还有一口气,我就要保护我的家人,不让他们被欺负。自然而然的,我把自己搞累了,很多时候我总是选择不相信,因为这个世界,我只相信我自己,所以今年我要让自己学习放下,与谦卑。。。

愿望更简单,就希望自己的病能快点好起来, 也希望家人朋友身体健康,公公婆婆,外公外婆长命百岁就好了。。。

Monday, January 30, 2012

Can You See Me?

面具?自我保护模式?不。。。 那只是我的基本保护底线,很讽刺地,认识了我多年的你们, 竟然连我是一个好人或坏人,都分不清楚,可能你连回答我,我到底好在哪,你都不能。。。而偏偏现在刚认识的朋友,却可以告诉我,我其实是怎样的人。。。如果你经历了我经历过的失败,排斥,和一无所有, 你将会明白,我的面具的用处。

Sunday, January 01, 2012


Now is almost 1am of 1st of Jan 2012, welcome to the so-called Doom's Year... =D 2011 is such a year tat filled wit lotsa lotsa experience, appreciate wat I've learn but plz no more, I'd had more den I can handle last year, the only thing I wished for 2012 is everything will go smooth... =) I'm gonna involve myself in more stuffs, more challenge to come. I wan a brand new me tis year, n tatz y I started to chg my style, attitude and ways of life.


Dear 2012,
Plz be nice n mke me feels tat my wish is being granted when I read tis post nxt year on 2013, unlike the 2011 one... THANK YOU & GODBLESS
